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Social Security & Disability Happenings

How does Social Security disability benefits work?

Eligibility for disability benefits work on the same credit system as for retirement payouts, but there are slightly different rules about who is eligible. Eligibility for disability benefits depends on how old you are when you become disabled, as well as the nature of your disability. You cannot qualify for disability benefits if you are able to work and earn more than $1,000 per month.  Your disability also must be considered severe enough to affect your everyday work-related activities.  You can learn more about the application process on the Social Security Administration (SSA) website and decide whether or not you qualify as disabled.

If you are eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI, or sometimes just SSD) benefits, the amount you receive each month will be based on your average lifetime earnings before your disability began. It is not based on how severe your disability is or how much income you have. In addition, if you are receiving disability payments from other sources, as discussed below, your payment may be reduced.  To estimate your disability payments, check out the online benefits calculator offered by the SSA.

If you have an adult disabled child who was disabled before the age of 22, he or she can qualify for benefits based on your earnings record. Anyone who becomes disabled after turning 22 needs to pass the recent work test, a measure of how many years of work you have performed depending on your age. Determine recent work test for your disability benefits on SSA.

If you are still receiving disability insurance by the time you reach full retirement age, your payments switch over to retirement benefits. The amount of your payments will remain the same. For additional information about SSDI or SSI and for a Free Evaluation and Consultation visit Disability Benefits Today.

References: CNN Money | Social Security Administration | Disability Secrets

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