There are several contributing factors to heart disease. High cholesterol, a high stress job, high blood pressure, and genetic reasons are just a few factors that can lead to this deadly disease. Often times a heart attack or bypass surgery might affect you and your family so much – both emotionally and physically – that you might not be able to return to work. The Social Security Administration provides SSD benefits to people with disabilities related to the cardiovascular system. Whether the condition is congenital or a condition that arose later in life. If you or someone you love has problems with their circulatory system and/or heart – including arteries, veins, capillaries – you may be eligible for cardiac disorder disability benefits. Call us today for a complimentary case evaluation.
If you are suffering from a Cardiac Vascular Disorder that is affecting your life or
preventing you from working call us today for a free case evaluation. (877) 747-3661